Friday, 12 April 2013

 The Dithubaruba Cultural Festival, hosted by Molepolole's Kgari Sechele Museum, Ntsweng commonly called Kwa-ga-Mmakgosi for a fun-filled day of diverse cultural festiveties in music and dance, traditional Bakwena food varieties, attire and folk culture celebrations.



 The of the festival "Bana ba Kgwale ba Bitsana ka  Molodi", Dithubaruba cultural festival demonstrates the lifestyles and customs of the traditional cultures of the Bakwena nation and it is used to promote and appreciate the diverse cultural practices in Kweneng District while also accommodating other ethnic groups as far as South Africa to also share their culture.The show was characterised by different genres of music, the commonly known Setswana music dikhwaere took centrestage. Sekepe from Kopong and Kaudwane's Matsubutsubu were the only two groups that battled it out to win the spectators' affection. With Dipela tsa ga Kobokwe and Machesa entertaining the guests with phathisi, one group from South Africa called Bafokeng Arts Theatre nearly stole the show from the locals with their tsutsube traditional dance until Stampore rescued them as he took to the stage with his guitar.

He proved to be one of the favourite acts as people danced with him through his performance that was coupled with humour. The festival continued through the night with Setapa sa Bosigo dance.  

The Kgosi Sechele I Musuem in Molepolole's popular annual Dithubaruba Cultural Festival  



The Festival, which was first held in 2007, promises to be fun-filled and loaded with cultural activities including, poko (poetry), traditional song and dance and mouth-watering traditional dishes for people to enjoy.

Dithubaruba Cultural Festival is held in an effort to promote the understanding and appreciation of Kweneng cultural heritage, while at the same time creating a leisurely experience for locals.  The festival  is usually held at Kwa-ga-Makgosi or ko Ntsweng (Ntsweng Heritage Site), in Molepolole.

 The Festival demonstrate Dikgafela , and Mohumagadi wa Bakwena, Ma-Tumagole, from the gate, to the performance area .There will be activities held throughout the day, and will feature different groups from Kweneng district performing the popular Sekwena dance, Phatisi.

The Festival will also host performers from Hukuntsi, and Phokeng in South Africa.

Groups that are expected to perform the Phatisi dance on the day include, Dipela tsa ga Kobokwe, which won a prize during the recent Heritage Month Competition held during the President's Day Holidays, as well as Dikgaka from Khekhenye, and Nare ya Pina from Gabane.


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